Personal Training

RW Sport Specific provides personal training sessions tailored to all individuals - ages from 13 to senior citizens - who want to lose weight, build mass, improve their muscular strength, muscular endurance, body composition, cardiovascular endurance, flexibility and more.

Our personal trainer Richard Weiss, Australian Olympian 1996 is acredited personal trainer, strength & conditioning coach, and also a wrestling coach that assists any individuals who are serious about their MMA, UFC fighting. Richard worked in Mongolia (2003-2007) with leading wrestlers and coaches and now works with young individuals in Australia. He is heading up a group called 2020 Wrestling that is focus on creating Australian Olympic medalists for 2020 Olympic Games.

Whether the last Christmas period left their marks on your hips and you want to get back into shape or you are trying to reach a higher level of overall fitness and performance: you should get professional help in form of a personal trainer! After a detailed conversation we will set goals for your training. This is followed by an input checkup. Based on this, an individual training program is designed. It may involve endurance training with the goal of weight loss, and strengthening programs to build up lean mass. Training with RW Sport Specific is effective and flexible no matter what individual goals you might have.