Personal Training with an Olympian

If you would like to lose weight, be fitter and healthier and build confidence and stamina I will help you set goals and personalize a program to get you there. Your training sessions will incorporate strength, core, flexibility, mobility, balance training and conditioning assisting you only in achieving your set goals through safe and effective ways.

You will experience full range of different workouts from boxing, to metabolic burn out, to weight training, to core strength, conditioning, flexibility and more. There always will be something innovative for you to be challenged by and I will make sure you get the best coaching possible.

One of my clients Russell, a 45 year old male, successful sales representative came to me wanting to lose weight for his hip operation. His weight was around 120kg mark. With hard work over a period of 2 months (training 2 x per week) Russell was able to lose weight to 100kg and now he is working hard towards loosing more weight until he reaches his personal set goal of 95kg.